Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Bitter about life's cruel games, the main character's life suddenly changes when a stranger enters their life with an intriguing proposal.
Finally starting to enjoy the situation, the main character begins falling out with their friends when an old rival shows up and the relationship between the love interest and main character begins to weaken.
After ignoring the issue for a long as possible, the main character decides to take time away to think and in the end, after after being forced to stand up for themselves against a long-term bully, the main character eventually decides to reject the love interest and go for another.

Aliff Haikal, the Dragon

A Fantasy Novel
by Qhnra

In a pit there lived a grubby, grand dragon named Aliff Haikal. Not a stripy splendid, magical pit, filled with glasses and a breezy smell, nor yet a ginger, hot, pretty pit with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a dragon-pit, and that means warmth.

One day, after a troubling visit from the giant Nur Syahira, Aliff leaves his pit and sets out in search of three red wigs. A quest undertaken in the company of girls, youths and sunny pixies.

In the search for the giant-guarded wigs, Aliff Haikal surprises even himself with his leadership and skill as a housekeeper.

During his travels, Aliff rescues a piano, an heirloom belonging to Nur. But when Nur refuses to try sleeping, their friendship is over.

However, Nur is wounded at the Battle of Three Armies and the two reconcile just before Aliff engages in some serious sleeping.

Aliff accepts one of the three red wigs and returns home to his pit a very wealthy dragon.

The Curse of the Bendy Gun

A Horror Story
by Qhnra

Whilst investigating the death of a local detective, a helpful computer programmer called Elizabeth Sparkle uncovers a legend about a supernaturally-cursed, bendy gun circulating throughout Australia. As soon as anyone uses the gun, he or she has exactly 203 days left to live.

The doomed few appear to be ordinary people during day to day life, but when photographed, they look pickled. A marked person feels like a quiet badger to touch.

Elizabeth gets hold of the gun, refusing to believe the superstition. A collage of images flash into her mind: a windy puppy balancing on a wild detective, an old newspaper headline about a golfing accident, a hooded cat ranting about feet and a drinking well located in an urban place.

When Elizabeth notices her legs have badger-like properties, she realises that the curse of the bendy gun is true and calls in her granddaughter, a lawyer called Felicity Barker, to help.

Felicity examines the gun and willingly submits herself to the curse. She finds that the same visions flash before his eyes. She finds the windy puppy balancing on a wild detective particularly chilling. She joins the queue for a supernatural death.

Elizabeth and Felicity pursue a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded cat. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up?

Derelict San Francisco

A Short Story
by qhnra

Alice Lakeman was thinking about Fred Vader again. Fred was a hilarious lover with pretty lips and pointy hands.

Alice walked over to the window and reflected on her old-fashioned surroundings. She had always hated derelict San Francisco with its raw, rough rivers. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel sad.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a hilarious figure of Fred Vader.

Alice gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a brave, cowardly, cocoa drinker with pink lips and slimy hands. Her friends saw her as a clever, cloudy coward. Once, she had even revived a dying, toddler.

But not even a brave person who had once revived a dying, toddler, was prepared for what Fred had in store today.

The sleet rained like laughing flamingos, making Alice unstable. Alice grabbed a ribbed gun that had been strewn nearby; she massaged it with her fingers.

As Alice stepped outside and Fred came closer, she could see the poised glint in his eye.

"I am here because I want a kiss," Fred bellowed, in a malicious tone. He slammed his fist against Alice's chest, with the force of 5894 horses. "I frigging love you, Alice Lakeman."

Alice looked back, even more unstable and still fingering the ribbed gun. "Fred, I'm in love with you," she replied.

They looked at each other with active feelings, like two kindhearted, kaleidoscopic koalas shouting at a very loving wedding, which had orchestral music playing in the background and two sinister uncles partying to the beat.

Suddenly, Fred lunged forward and tried to punch Alice in the face. Quickly, Alice grabbed the ribbed gun and brought it down on Fred's skull.

Fred's pretty lips trembled and his pointy hands wobbled. He looked surprised, his body raw like a rapid, rabble-snatching rock.

Then he let out an agonizing groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Fred Vader was dead.

Alice Lakeman went back inside and made herself a nice mug of cocoa.THE END

Monday, March 9, 2020

Sesedih sedihnya

Hai semua.

Sedih betul hidup aku semalam. Rasa nak nangis, tapi air mata bertakung ja dalam mata. Nak keluar takut mekap hilang. hahahaha. serius kenapa semalam aku rasa sedih sangat. rasa macam dalam dunia ni aku sorang ja ada. takdak sapa menemani disisi.

Rasa tiada siapa memahami diri ini. Ya ampun sedihnya hidup hang syahira. haha

Cukuplah meratapi hati ini. Hidup mesti diteruskan walau tiada siapa disisi yang penting Allah ada. <3

Friday, March 6, 2020

Kehidupan Intern

Hai geng.

Lama gila gila aku tak usik blog aku. Ntah hidup lagi ke idok. Aku cuma nak update ja kehidupan aku sekarang dalam blog ini sebab aku tau takdak sapa yang baca selain aku dan kawan imaginasi aku sendiri. Memandangkan aku dah kerja di pejabat, jadi aku ada banyak masa nak menaip.

Sekarang ni depa dok bahan aku sebab aku taip laju sangat. hahahaha. lawak la wey cik naim ka apa nama dia. So far okay sebab takdak lagi kerja berat-berat yang aku dapat. Tapi aku rasa macam banyak ujian yang menimpa aku. Masalah di rumah yang takkan habis, masalah perhubungan aku yang kejap okay kejap tidak.

Kusut kepala dibuatnya. Lama-lama aku boleh stress lead to depression.

Anxiety pun dapat.

Okay la geng, masa dah nak habis. Aku nak balik rumah. Byeeee